Решение участника №, перевод на английский язык
Перевод с русского языка на английский язык
Translation from Russian into English
Stamp: COPY
of Limited Liability Company «_______»
_____ _____ __, ____
I, ___________________ (date of birth: 01.01._____, place of birth: city of ______, passport _______________ issued on 00.00.0000 by the Department of the Federal Migration Service Administration of Russia for ______ for the District ______, subdivision code: 000-000, registered as residing at the following address: 00, _____________., apt. __, __________), being the sole participant of Limited Liability Company «______» (the “Company”) (PSRN 0000000000000, TIN 000000000000), hereinafter referred to as the Participant of the Company, have resolved as follows:
1. To increase the authorized capital of the Company on the basis of the application from a third person: _____________ (date of birth: 00.00.0000, place of birth: ___________, ________ district, _________ region, passport _____________ issued on 00.00.0000 by territorial subdivision No. 0 of the ____________ Municipal District Department of the Directorate of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the __________ region, subdivision code 000-000, registered as residing at the following address: __________ Region, _____________ District, the town of ____________, _____________ St., 55) on his admittance to the Company and making by him of an in-kind contribution of 10,000 roubles. After the increase, the size of the Company’s authorized capital will amount to 20,000 roubles which constitutes 100% of the Company’s authorized capital.
2. To admit _____________________ to the Company.
3. To amend the Articles of Association of the Company in connection with the increase in the Company’s authorized capital.
4. To determine the nominal value of the share held by____________________ as equal to the value of his in-kind contribution in the amount of 10,000 roubles, to determine the amount of the share held by _______________ in the authorized capital of the Company as constituting 50% of the Company’s authorized capital.
5. To change the size of the share held by the participant of the Company. The nominal value of the share held by the participant of the Company — ____________________________ of Ten thousand (10,000) roubles will remain unchanged, however, the size of his share in the authorized capital of the Company will decrease and will be equal to 50% of the Company’s authorized capital.
6. To approve the monetary valuation of the property (_____________) contributed by the third party — _________________ as an in-kind contribution to the authorized capital of the Company in the amount of 10,000 roubles on the basis of Report No. _____________ dated January 00, 0000 made by an independent appraiser — LLC «__________», determining the market value of an item movable property – ______________ as equal to 10 000 roubles.
7. To change the name of the Company. The new full corporate name of the Company is Limited Liability Company “_______________”, the new abbreviated corporate name of the Company is LLC “______________”.
8. To approve the Articles of Association of Limited Liability Company “______________” which have been brought into line with Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 322-F3 as of 30.12.2008 «On Amending Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation», with account taken of the resolutions taken at this meeting.
_____________________________ [signature]
[Seal: Limited Liability Company * PSRN 00000000
___________________, ltd”]